
1.询盘(Inquiry):We are interested in your products and would like to request a quotation. Could you please provide us with more information about your products?We would like to know your p ...


1.和客户沟通可以先问客户是否需要Logo,并看看logo的内容,如果第一时间不能报价的话,先想办法托着客户,客户和你沟通的时间越长,就越有可能和你下单 。2.问客户的提供什么的时候要有一个理由。3.给客户做设计让他知道,他想要的我们可以给他做,很多客户会觉得我们做不到。4.客户要我们降价的时候,最好不要轻易降价... ...


身为一名外贸人,每天都会收到很多各色各样的询盘,那么面对这些询盘我们要怎么回复才是正确的呢?我们在回复询盘时又要注意哪些点呢?一、询盘类型1、信息模糊I'm interested in carry bags. Please send me prices. (个人邮箱,询价内容指明了产品类别,却没有提及材质、尺寸,数量,落款也只是名字,无任何公司信... ...


不要过早介绍产品。不要过早报价。尽管价格不是决定成败的主要因素,但客户对价格非常敏感。即使是完全相同的产品,通过不同的购买方式、购买数量、购买时间或购买人员,价格必定会有所不同。然而,价格并不仅仅是几个数字那么简单。它涵盖了客户的认同和期望,同时也包括客户的意识、态度,甚至客户的心理和习惯。以下... ...


国际商会(“ICC”)新公布的2020版本《国际贸易术语解释规则》已于1月1日生效,共11种,按照运输方式可以分为两大类,第一类:适合任何运输方式;第二类:适用于水上运输(即海运、内河运输)。按照运输方式本文将分为上下两期《国际贸易术语解释通则2020》贸易术语交货地点风险转移界限出口报关的责任进口报关的责任、费... ...


可以针对首次来信没有明确需求,联系信息不全的客户   Dear Mr. Amir,  Many thanks for your inquiry dated(of) from .  In order to let us make more correct quotation accordingly, please kindly tell us the exact mode ...


Dear ,  I am very glad to hear from you. The biggest size we have is 39. And this shoes is little bigger in size. So I think 39 will fit.  If you have any other questions, Please feel free le ...


多订单支付 模板一:Dear X,If you would like to place one order for many items, please first click "add to cart", then “buy now”, and check your address and order details carefully befor ...


Dear ,  we have got your order of......  The bag you order is one of the hot items from my store and it is made of high quality leather. But the order seems unpaid. If there's anything I ...


Dear customer,  I am very happy to see that you have received the items. Thanks for your support. I hope you satisfy with the item and looking forward to do more business in the future with y ...


Dear customer,  I received the boots but I can't sell them because the Gucci box was ripped up if you can't secure the packages better than that then you will not be hearing from me a ...